August 28, 2007


Growing up, I’ve always wanted to learn to play the drums or guitar…
I did go for piano lessons…torturous weekly classes….
Playing wasn’t the problem…I just hated the exams.

Anyways….everyone pls say hello to “tomato”…yea…he’s my good friend/colleague/fellow banana…who just happens to play the guitar!...
I’ve found myself my new si-fu…heck I get to learn for free!!! :D
Oh yea…did I mention he’s from ipoh? Yup..this place if just full of ppl from my old kampungs. AND he’s still single..c’mon ladies..lets start the bidding at “free lunch for moi” ;)

So I wanna be a rockstar….unfortunately…guitar playing isn’t as easy as I thought….
My fingers hurt soooo bad :(
Lets hope the next time anyone of u visits, I’ll be rocking to at least ONE song!


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll make the first special request:
Sweet Child O'Mine by Guns N Roses.
With one condition: You gotta let me do all the singing k!Where is my partner in crime?? Meera Krishnan Rao???
Lets rock on baby!!!!


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