Growing up, I’ve always wanted to learn to play the drums or guitar…I did go for piano lessons…torturous weekly classes….
Playing wasn’t the problem…I just hated the exams.
Anyways….everyone pls say hello to “tomato”…yea…he’s my good friend/colleague/fellow banana…who just happens to play the guitar!...
I’ve found myself my new si-fu…heck I get to learn for free!!! :D
Oh yea…did I mention he’s from ipoh? Yup..this place if just full of ppl from my old kampungs. AND he’s still single..c’mon ladies..lets start the bidding at “free lunch for moi” ;)
So I wanna be a rockstar….unfortunately…guitar playing isn’t as easy as I thought….
My fingers hurt soooo bad :(
Lets hope the next time anyone of u visits, I’ll be rocking to at least ONE song!
I'll make the first special request:
Sweet Child O'Mine by Guns N Roses.
With one condition: You gotta let me do all the singing k!Where is my partner in crime?? Meera Krishnan Rao???
Lets rock on baby!!!!
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