Stress causes...
Ulcers....i hate it...this time i have 2!!one on my tongue and the other on my cheek...i suffer when i try to eat...heck even when i try to swallow my saliva! :(((((
the weirdest thing woke me up while i was driving to work this was a motorbike...with a driver & passenger...and they were cruising down the kesas highway with the passenger hugging on in holding on for
LIFE tightly to the driver...sounds normal eh?but guess what?a second look and i realized they were both guys! wearing really tight jeans and figure hugging white tops :S....think brokeback mountain...
on a happier and not so weird note...
Liverpool has beaten
Chelsea..hurray! for that...coz now the Blues arent gonna win their double...
Happy Easter!
Nothing much going on right now…everything’s just work work work…
A belated
blessed easter to all of you!!
I had a fantastic easter lunch…I haven’t eaten like that in a looong time..
Prawns, sotong, chicken curry, pork, cabbage, cucumber with tairu….yummmmmm!!!!
Bad idea to reminisce about Easter lunch and all that glorious food when it isn’t lunch time yet…my stomach’s growling…off to the café…..
He is risen...
He is risen...
And he lives...
Forever more.....
Black Cloud

There’s a black cloud hovering above me today..
I got up feeling really happy…coz I’m on leave tomorrow and this is kinda like Friday for me…
I reversed out the driveway and didn’t bother looking back..just as I braked..i realized I was an inch away from backing into my sis’s car!! Phewww…that was close
…*thank you god for watching over me*
Next as I drive sleepily towards the toll…just when I positioned the TAG to be flashed….SHIT!!!there’s no card in it!...immediate swerve to the next lane…and frantically search for my touch n go card before the car behind starts honking me…
As soon as I reach office…I get an email from my boss…crap!....i’m screwed…they’re in a meeting now….i hope I don’t get into too much trouble….
I want my mommyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
update: it wasn't my fault!!!i'm happy again...:o)
Bored on Sunday Morning
If you read
kenny, you would seen one of his latest posts on this.
My heritage. Its a really fun thing to do..after registering yourself (its easy peasy)..just crop up a few photos of yourself..upload it to the site and wahla! are matched to the celebrity you most look like. I tried 2 photos of myself (
brace yourselves for some upclose shots of my dark-pinched-prickled face)
Picture 1:
My celebrity match: 
Not bad we try another picture...
Picture 2:

My celebrity match:

Not bad again!!hahahaha...
You know what's freaky? Most peoply say my sis & i look very much alike...some even say we're twins (go get your eyes checked missy!!)...anyway...she and i both tried this my heritage thingy and guess wat? We were both matched to Kelly Clarkson!!
Try it out! You just HAVE to!!Sure kembang once you get your celebrity match ;)
Happy April Fools!
At least this time i was prepared for the morning crew's pranks...
I arrived to work all sleepy eyed..sleepy my slippers...
My eyes grew wider as i reached the parking lots....OMG!!!its the Akademi Fantasia auditions!!!
Crap! These wannabe's are here so damn early...and the snake line queues have reached the main entrance!!! I think i'll go catch a sneak peak at some of their auditions...hope i dont burst out laughing to laud..:D