December 29, 2005

Goodbye 2005

I don’t usually make silly New Year resolutions because it ALWAYS never works!
But I will however TRY to:

Be more patient on the road
Grumble less about work
Save money
Put on more weight
Get some sort of exercise

The shorter the list, the easier to achieve!
Happy New Years!!!!
May the coming year be a good one for all of you!!!A special shout-out to the “DOGs”


December 28, 2005

Post Christmas

Christmas was a good one this year.
I ate and ate ever since we reached ipoh.
Everything was pretty much the the relatives…christmas eve gathering…christmas day mass and dinner…but this time, I did something I never knew I had the courage to do.

I pierced my nose.

Now I am one who cant stand pain! I teared while I pierced my ears, I hate injections, I cant stand stomach cramps….I carry ponstant pills around with me everywhere I go!I’ve been wanting to get a nose stud for quite a while now…just been putting it off…and finally this time…I told myself I will do matter what..
Here I was thinking that it’ll be the so called “ant-bite” pain like the ear piercings…
I was soooooooooooo wrong!They don’t pierce your nose using a gun…its too dangerous…so they just attach a small needle like thingy to the end of your nose stud and force it through with bare hands!!!OMG!!!!I dunno what came over me….but I just closed my eyes and went through with it. My aunt, sis n cousin were there to gimme some support….the whole process was even caught on film!!!1 freaking minute!!!1!!!That’s how long it took to poke the damn needle!!!Imagine my pain!!!!
My poor nose was blue-black and swollen for the next 2 days…sighhhh…I’m not suppose to get it wet for a week so that it’ll heal properly.

Me: See my new nose piercing pain you know…
Everyone: aiyoo/wahh…why’d you do it?
Me: Dunnola…simply..i like it..
Everyone: *mad girl*

So that was the most memorable event this Christmas. Am waiting to go get myself a nice diamond $tud.

Oh, we played charades, paper dance and limbo after Christmas dinner. Thanks to my cousin’s strong arms and my “light” weight…we won the paper dance!!!Yayyy!!!

December 22, 2005

The time has come...

to spread the joyyyyy!!!!and bring on the carolsssss!!!!

I will be leaving for "the place to be during christmas"...Lim Garden Ipoh!!!!
Yeahhh babyyyyyyy!!! :D

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

p/s: warning...not for office use!!!check this carol out...its bound to get you bopping right into the christmas spirit!turn up your speakers and sing along!!!

December 21, 2005

Pumping petrol

Yesterday, I was pumping petrol @ my usual petrol station.
I noticed that the damn pump was taking super long to fill up and I was getting a little bugged! Suddenly, the meter just stopped running!

Me: Huh???What the heck!!!
*knock on the passenger window to get my sis’s attention*
Sis: What?
Me: The pump has stopped! The meter just stopped!
Sis: What the heck!!!!

Then I realized that all 10 pumps have all stopped!!!I call out the to gas attendant
Me: Minyak sudah habis ar?
Then he comes running.
Gas man1: *laughs* kejap ye!
and rushes to the back of the station.

I’m still standing there..confused as ever! Then I loudly ask the gas attendant on the other end
Me: Minyak sudah habis ar?
Gas man2: *nods*
Me: Aiyooo..macam ini pun boleh kahhh!!!

And then we waited n waited until they “switch” gas taps and the pumps start running again.

This whole new experience got me n my sis thinking…how the heck does the damned gas station function? Dad a.k.a Mr.Know-It-All explained and now we know…

Do you?

December 13, 2005

Jingle Ting-A-Ling....

I've got this christmas song jingling in my head but i have nooooo idea what song it is!!!

Christmas tree is up! Presents are all wrapped!Xmas day clothes picked out!
I'm all set to balik kamponggggggg!woahhhhhh...balik kamponggggg......!!!!!!

Even dressed up my avatar....

Have you guys checked out the decorations @ the malls this year? One U punya tak pass la...chehhhh....but go look at Midvalley la...fuhyooo...damn nice to see a winter wonderland theme all over. Be warned...there are lots of shops with lots! of xmas goodies to buy...i spent almost 30 mins just choosing some giftwrapping boxes!!!!So many things to buy with so little ca$h to spend...*sigh*....neverthelessssssssssssssss.....*breaks into song*....


December 03, 2005

Alternate Saturday's

Whyyyyyyyyyyyy do we have to work on saturdays???
Its a complete waste of my precious sleeping/shopping/laundry/tv surfing time!!!!

O dear Lord, please MAKE them give me back my saturdays!


December 01, 2005

Countdown to Christmas!!!

Christmas is hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Fa la la la laaaa….la laaaa…la…laaaaaa!!!
Its finally December….who the heck feels like working when its holiday season???
I’ve been dragging my feet to work….restraining myself from taking a few mc’s to go gift shopping with my mom.

Will be putting up my Christmas tree this weekend. Our tree is pretty different from your usual one-color-themed trees. Instead, its decorated with ornaments collected over the years (ever since I can remember!). Some were gifts, some were bought, some were made….but once they’re all up on the tree…and the lights are plugged just looks amazing!
The only things we’ve been changing almost every year are the tree lights of course…anyone knows of good quality xmas tree lights that won’t fuse out every year? Pls let me know if you do.

Next comes my gift list! Haha, I usually just get gifts for my good friends and my family but this year…its been extended to aunts, uncles & even future in-laws!Pokai la…..
But I just love it! I’ve always gone xmas shopping with my mom. We usually get all the shopping done in One U (everything you want is definitely there!) but just roam around the other malls to check out the chun décor they’ve put up.Then comes the gift wrapping. My sis gets the “honour” of doing this.

Then it’s all down to the big “balik kampung” trip up north. Used to go as early as a week in advance to my grandma’s place but due to work! and the lack of leave…I’ll only be going back on the 23rd. Shall blog about my familys christmas tradition in another post. Too long la!

For now, heres my fav xmas songs list:

The Christmas Song – Nat King Cole
All I Want for Christmas – Mariah Carey
Last Christmas – Wham
Jingle Bell Rock
Santa Baby – Kylie Minogue
Deck the Halls
O Holy Night
Feliz Navidad
A Child is Born – Johnny Matthis
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Santa Clause is Coming to Town
Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
Winter Wonderland

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