June 24, 2008

1 wedding and a couple of boo-hoos

So many things to write about but i dont know where to start :)

Firstly, a big CONGRATULATIONS and huggie for my kampung girl!!!
You're hitched!!!! woahhhhhhhhhhh.....
And meeting up with all my old school friends!
Man...i recognized each and everyone of you but everyone took a few sec's to recognize me!!!! Is it possible that i could've changed THAT much since high school?? Noooo way!!!

Secondly, i lost my handphone :(
BoooooHoooooo.....all my numbers are gone and all the lovely messages i've saved over the years are gone too :(
Now i gotta get a new phone which is a double boo-hoo coz...

Thirdly, im BROKE!

Fourthly, i didnt get the job i wanted.

All this stress....and my sinuses are acting up :(

The whole see-you-when-i-see-you happened...
Wasnt all as drama as i thought it would be....im glad its over.
Final closure :)

Im so up-to-date with movies..last night i spent 30 mins in the dvd shop with the dvd-guy trying to sell me all his "latest" movies, and all i was saying was "sudah tengokla....sudah tengok"
He gave up on me :D

June 05, 2008

Moving On & Out

I have come a looooong way baby
I aced my 1st interview and im up for the 2nd one tomorrow
Im desperate...i need this job...i need more money...who doesnt?

Andddd....drum rooooooooooolllllllllllllll
Yea....now if she even thinks about asking me anything, i'll just give her my best cowboy look and say "you talkin' to ME?"

I've found a new place already :D
So malas right? the whole moving out and in to a new place

ooooo...i've started playing futsal with the guys....awesome start to the game...i scored 2 goals and 3 assists ;).....anddddd got myself a nice big blue-black mark on my ankle
its ok..im tough..i can handle a little pain!

Rach, welcome back from the land of the dead...we can have more lunches together now!
And Rao, here's to seeing you more often and having more dinners together :D

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