February 18, 2008

Bent it like Becks

It was quite a fun time we had at the fest last weekend...tho' it was so freakin hot!

I'll just get down to the MAIN point of this post...

Becks beat Zizou

You read that right the first time....explanation follows:

This my friends, is the birdy and front view of a goal-post. The aim of the game? To simply kick the ball into the goal-mouth. Its not as easy as it sounds coz the goal-mouth was netted up and you can only kick the ball into a small target.

Anyways....I bent it like becks...and scored
He who hates-becks-lives-breathes-france-loves-zizou DIDNT!!!

Muahahahahahaha.....im totally loving this moment....

Think its just fluke? BRING IT ON THE COURTS mofos!!!!

Rach, Crutch (yes...she's goin thru a diff phase again), Kichi n Momo...thanks for coming...hope u guys had fun....lets not do it again :D

p/s: excuse the bad bad words...its lent...i shouldnt be swearing...am just trying to sound street :D


At 11:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:o ... you DO know what mofo means right?


it was fun...no biggie if you want to invite us next year.. :P

At 9:58 PM, Blogger chris said...


yes, we wont be doing it again! :D


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