Flu Bug
Everytime i score an interview, i fall sick.
Im so nervous, its been a while since i attended a "proper" interview ;)
Why am i attending interviews?
Across the board, there have been at least 20 colleagues that have left the department.
That aint a small number and HR's doing nothin about it!
I am too comfortable here. The only problem i have with this place is the moolah AND BB.
BB's been rumoured to leave soon. Can't wait for that to happen, so i decided i need a backup plan a.k.a another job in hand.
I've never seen so many letters flying around the dept before :)
GLORY GLORY MAN UNITED!!!!!and the reds keep marching on...ON....ON!!!!!!!
Fun-filled Weekend
This weekend's gonna be great.
Going on a treasure hunt to PG. We're aiming for top 10 this time around.
Let's hope i dont fall sick....its just something about the air in PG that gets to me :S
Its come down the the final games in the premier league. I have full faith that United are gonna pull through and come out champions once again.
Once that's in the bag.....we've got to beat the blues on the 21st of May...and become champions of Europe. When this happens....all i can say to you fools is "in-your-face...LOSERS!!!!"
Mr/Ms Understanding
Its as simple as this....
1. You are in any way related to me ( friend or family)
2. I bitch about something
3. You MUST bitch with me
If 1 AND 2 = TRUE, then 3
I hate baldy.
You are my friend.
I say "i HATE baldy @#%(@^&!!!!!!".
You have to say "i HATE baldy too @#%(@^&!!!!!!".
If 1 AND 2 = TRUE, BUT you decide NOT to bitch with me,
Throw on your festive clothes, and bring on the music...you've just been baptised
Mr/Ms Understanding
Revenge against the Loudmouth
Loudmouth: a person who doesnt care about his/her surroundings and consistently talks at the top of their lungs on the phone/to another person and chews loudly when seated in a small enclosed area
Ok, so my desk has now moved to a secluded room in this big building.
There's this girl sitting next to me.
She talks so loudly over the phone and doesnt care that i have to listen to her whiny voice.
I try drowning her out with my music but it doesnt work.
So you know how im playing pay-back?
She's on a diet....muahahahahahaha
She tries to skip meals...and drinks those weird colored shakes the whole day.
In comes phat-cat :p
Imagine these aromas i bring into the room everyday:
Morning: Lovely ham and cheese bun + hot cup of nescafe tarik
Lunch: no luck here...coz we always eat out...darn!
Tea: hahaha...here comes the fun part...teh tarik, currypuff, vaddai, goreng pisang, meehoon goreng...etc..
Lets see how long her diet lasts...
Call me b***h....i hate loudmouths!