A friend of a friend, now my friend :D (shall call him “kit” coz that what his name sounds like) was a guest dj on the “alternation” show last night.
If u’re ever feeling completely bored…or sick of hearing “beautiful girls” play over n over n over again on our ever so popular no.1 hit stations, then tune in to traxx for some alternative music…
It was many-many firsts for me…I had never heard of bands/music like that before…
For me…Alanis Morrisette was considered “alternative” :o)
Anyways, he dedicated this not-very-alternative-different-sounding song for moi…pretty good stuff…from a dude called Tobias Froberg…
Check out the lyrics….and GRACIE…I dedicate this one to you…for OBVIOUS reasons:
It´s just a matter of grace
She knows I still adore her
She knows I love her ways
And I´d do all I can to keep her
I could take her to the park
We could go to a museum
I could kiss her in the dark
We could kiss where all the freaks are
I don´t think I´m gonna die
I just want her to remember
I don´t want to lie
I want to keep her and love her
She doesn´t want to save the world
She just wants to be remembered
She´s sometimes more than I deserve
She´s nothing like November
And when we are alone
And she washes away her make up
And she tells me that she loves me so
I hope I´ll never be alone
Craving meatballs
Ikea…oh ikea…whyyyy u do this to me??
1st attempt: They ran out of meatballs2nd attempt: They ran out of cranberry sauce
3rd attempt: They’re closed for their annual dinner!Sighhh….what do I have to do to get my meatballs!!!
Org chart’s coming out this Friday…no surprises for moi…just that my much anticipated-possible promo is only slotted for Apr…not Jan :(
Looks like I gotta hang in here a lil longer…
Its ok…I’ve got no complaints…
Friday nights have officially been declared as
pool night…any takers?
Im really starting to get used to it…although I tend to lose focus pretty fast :D
Been planning to go
go-karting….but the question is
WHERE do ppl go-kart?
Things have taken a turn for the worse…I feel completely
Note to self: NEVER ever share passwords with ANYONE….not even if life depends on it!
Time heals all wounds
I will never regret you…
Its been an eventful week…drama I never imagined I would be the star of
A LOT of thought and prayer has been put into this…
Its gonna take lots n lots of time for things to get back to normal…IF there is a going back to normal :)
My buddies, kichi and momo…i dunno what I would’ve done without you…
All I can say is im gonna be bugging u guys more than ever now :)
Selamat Merry Happy Raya
Project testing is finally complete, deployment starts on Saturday….bring on the next load b****ches!!! Ok…so im stressing out….just looking forward to the weekend…
Its October….my favourite month of the year….for OBVIOUS reasons :D
I’ve got some of my gifts in advance…
My spanking brand new converse shoes…thanks to ‘dude’ :p
My shiny new bracelet and foot cream….thanks kichi n momo
And a lovely new scent….thanks tomato
Saving up all my energy for the party ;)
Turning a digit older….got me thinking….been thinking a LOT over the past couple of weeks….
Oh…happy news…im finally gonna be bridesmaid next year ;)
Cats technically not ENTIRELY out of the bag….