August 28, 2007


Growing up, I’ve always wanted to learn to play the drums or guitar…
I did go for piano lessons…torturous weekly classes….
Playing wasn’t the problem…I just hated the exams.

Anyways….everyone pls say hello to “tomato”…yea…he’s my good friend/colleague/fellow banana…who just happens to play the guitar!...
I’ve found myself my new si-fu…heck I get to learn for free!!! :D
Oh yea…did I mention he’s from ipoh? Yup..this place if just full of ppl from my old kampungs. AND he’s still single..c’mon ladies..lets start the bidding at “free lunch for moi” ;)

So I wanna be a rockstar….unfortunately…guitar playing isn’t as easy as I thought….
My fingers hurt soooo bad :(
Lets hope the next time anyone of u visits, I’ll be rocking to at least ONE song!

August 22, 2007

The Sweet Escape the only way to describe Gwen's concert last night at Bkt Jalil.

The night started off pretty tensed, Vicky and I got locked in between the front door and grill. Yea..pretty "blonde" moment there...but thank god Momo was around to save us..
The smart move after that was parking outside and then taking a pretty long,slow walk towards the stadium. The concert only started at about 9pm...2 of the Harajuku Girls came sneaking out...followed by the "cops"...i knew it had to be "The Sweet Escape"!!!
Phwoarrrrrrrr!!! Gwen comes on stage and i just couldnt help screaming my lungs out!!!

She is damn gorgeous...she sang like u couldnt believe it was live...what with the dance moves and all...
The songs kept coming....and coming...right until the very end...
It was worth every sen. No boring opening wasting time...just Gwen rocking the stage the entire time.

I had loads of fun....couldnt care less about the rest who were just sitting down throughout the show...i was shaking my butt off...;)
I mean c'monnnnnn!!!! its a concert for crying out loud!!! u're suppose to be standing and waving ur hands in the air....scream everytime...anytime u want to!!
Next gempak concert....Beyonce...yea...bootylicious baby...:p

August 13, 2007

i want a zig-a-zig ahhhhh.....

First and foremost….a belated shoutout:
Quarter of a century babe...but u don’t look a day over 18…
What…u weren’t expecting me to say 16 were u???!!!!:P

yea..i had some fried grass a couple of weeks back...yuck...
i guess im just not a smoker...and i cant really say what it felt like...go try it and find out la!!! ;)

Friday night turned out pretty well…go check out Zeta bar if u havent…chun place with lots of eye candy ;)
Only down side is…it gets damn packed and u get lots of ppl bumping,nudging and pinching ur ass :p
So next stop: Bar Savanh…yea..its like “home”….

The meetup with the gang was good…poor siva got hit the most….its ok dude…will make sure its gerry’s turn next time…

My calendar this month is jam-packed with work and stuff…imagine this…
Free movie with the colleagues vs church on Wednesday night…sigh…do I really have a choice here???

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