Angry Me
I admit, anger makes me a real bitch.Cant help it, I’m wired with so called “short” fuses.
It shows it my face, u can hear it in my voice, and u just KNOW u’re in for a major yell-fest. It gets worse when you don’t let me BE angry. I cant just ignore the fiery rage running thru my veins. I HAVE to let it take its course.
So pls just LET me be angry. I WILL get over it.
Tell me about it!
Try this when u r angry ... say lepakla 3 times
trust me it works
typical MALE solution!
hahaha...When i read ur blog, i set to leave u soothing words that may calm ur nerves.Now I've changed my mind...who can deny the power of lepak la..
so cathy...lepak la!!!!!!!!!!!!
u're MY friend!!!
dont take his (evil) side!!!
i'm over it now :)
i will NOT say lepakla!!!!
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