A funeral...
Today i attended the funeral of a good friend's mom.I have a huge phobia when it comes to funerals.
The only funeral i've ever had to attend until today was my uncle's. I was shaking all over my body and overwhelmed by the whole thing. I was crying my eyes out. Just the thought of peeking inside the coffin freaked me out. I had many sleepless nights after that.....
That happened 8 years ago. Today, it came to the point at mass, where everyone walks past the coffin to pay their last respects. I hesitated. My good girl friend was standing behind me, and she said "don't freak out". That calmed me down a little knowing she's behind me.
I just looked up at the altar and told myself, there's nothing to be afraid of. I looked into the coffin, said goodbye, and moved on to wish my dear friend my condolences. I was alright...i came through. I guess i've grown since my uncle's funeral, and i have come to terms that sooner or later, i will just have to deal with these kinds of things :)
One thing that i have always believed in, and it was the same message that the priest gave during his homily. Make ammends TODAY, don't wait for tomorrow, or next week. Life is short, and you should not regret the last thing you ever said or felt about a person dear to you.
Peace out....