December 19, 2008

08 to 09

Today is officially the last working day of 08 for me, and the last blog post of 08.

Looking back at the year...seems like sooooo much has happened in what seemed to be such a short time!

Emotionally & mentally, i've learnt a LOT: dealing with work, the everyday stress of life, love, friendship. Physically, i grew 0.5 cm's taller and 0.5 kg's heavier :)

Big events of 08 (in no particular order):
> Kichi's & Momo's wedding...awesome!
> My birthday party...never again!
> Genting's with the IT fun gang...more trips in 09!
> 080808...rach's once in a lifetime :)
> Moving out of testing...saying goodbye to BB
> NKOTB reunited!
> My new(rented) condo

So im off to the retirement-town of Ipoh for christmas....

A rockin' blessed very merry Christmas to everyone!
And have a fantabulastic new year!


December 09, 2008

TO: Mr.Clause

Dear Santa,

I'm pretty sure my name's on your list under the 'Nice' this will make it easier for you and your elves, to decide on my gifts this christmas.

1. Mobile phone -> This is more of a necessity to me seeing that i LOST my old one :( Any Nokia model with color screen, mp3 compatible and a camera phone of >= 2.0 megapixels would make my day!

2. Eau de Parfum -> My bottle's running on empty right now. Yet another necessity to keep me feeling fresh all day long!

3. A little puppy friend for Pepper Anne to play with. The poor girl is so bored on her own but this has got to be a well-thought out plan. Maybe the puppy can magically appear at our front-gate? So it would seem like it was lost and hungry and needed shelter...something that Mom would not be able to say no to :)

You see im not asking for much....just the basic everyday things that i need to get through the day...

Of course i could go over the moon and wish for a place to call my own...maybe something shiny and sparkly too? But i wont :)

I'll have the milk and cookies ready, warm and crunchy just the way you like it!

Thanks in advance santa!


December 02, 2008

09 is just around the corner....

Im sitting here at the office today...NOT WORKING :p
but im still depressed....why?

coz its gonna be 09...and what does every new year bring?
the "joy" of being a year older
the "joy" of thinking back on what you've achieved
the "joy" of knowing you didnt achieve what you set out to do
the "joy" of knowing the year wasn't what you thought it would be
the "joy" of thinking what the new year will bring

joyful!!! joyful!!!

so let me pose this question:
would you get married first and then! buy a place OR
buy a place first and then! get married

p/s: im not getting married anytime soon :)

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