My Song
I was awake at 7+ this morning, and sleepily flicking channels on tv.
I flicked and flicked...and of course ended up at MTV.
The song playing there sucked so on to Channel V, and at that moment, the song title and artist comes can imagine how big my eyes grew here :)
Death Cab for Cutie - Cath...I had a song!!!! woo-hoo!!
Too late tomato....someone beat you to it. You can write me another ;)
Death Cab for Cutie is an american indie rock group.
Check out their story
hereFor the song, check out the meaning
here...eerily familiar story huh?
Check out the video
hereAnd the lyrics are:
Cath, she stands With a well intentioned man But she can't relax With his hand on the small of her back And as the flash bulbs burst She holds a smile Like someone would hold A crying child And soon everybody will ask What became of you 'Cause your heart was dying fast And you didn't know what to do Cath, it seems That you live in someone else's dream In a hand-me-down wedding dress With the things that could of been All repressed
But you said your vows And you closed the door On so many men Who would of loved you more And soon everybody will ask What became of you 'Cause your heart was dying fast And you didn't know what to do
The whispers that it won't last Run up and down the pews But if their hearts were dying that fast They have done the same as you
And I'd of done the same as you
Beep beep
Which one sounds worse:
I *beep* a girl, and i liked it.....
I kissed a *beep*, and i liked it.....
Has everyone watched Sex and the City?
It was nice :)…like one very loooooong episode.
NO ONE can ever dress like those women in real maybela!
I hear there's a sequel in the making.
I’m digging the song by Jen.Hudson.
Coz im in loveeeeeeee, all dressed up in loveeeeeeeeeeee….Yea…I’ve been on cloud 9 these days ;)
Aren’t all these queasy feelings suppose to end after your first few dates?
Happy happy happy me :)))))
Oh did you hear? Mama Mia the musical is coming in Dec!
Gotta look out for that!
Raya is next week! Our dept is having a buka puasa dinner tonight.
Finally gonna get me some lemang :)
post holiday blues
I was off for a week!
Nope..not for a holiday.
But to follow the sis around with the final preps for her wedding.
D-day came so soon!
It was just like yesterday that momo proposed!!!!
The wedding was awesome!!!!!
My whole plan of having the band play the beatles at the end of my speech didnt happen coz they werent a singing band. I dunno what came over me, but i sang out the 1st verse and the chorus. Thank God my uncles and aunts joined in. Must've croaked like a toad into the mike..muahahahahha....
Congrats kichi and momo...again and again and again....:D
Too many farewells
Farewell after farewell....i've contributed a significant amount to the farewell gifts we've been giving out here.
The most recent one...dearest Mr.Wan.
Mr.Wan has been around for 8 years!!!!! He thought me a lot...and we fought a lot too :D maybe fought isnt the right word...let's call it work-related constructive arguments.
He is the best manager and the most knowledgable person i know here...and he's gone :(
I need a holiday....