I feel totally crushed.My boss just updated me on the status of my promotion.
Bigger boss (BB...can also stand for something meaner) apparently was agreeable to it but had just ONE problem with me....she finds me rude.
Flashback moment:
BB: "How come you've moved back to your desk...i thought you moved"
Me: "Huh? Moved where?"
BB: "There"
Me: "There where?"
BB: "To the other side"
Me: " Im back here waiting to check something on my desktop" any of you think that "ME" sounds rude in this conversation?
Well...BB thinks im rude...
I would like to tell her to carry out a survey in the dept. and we'll see which one of us the rest find rude-er...
I can admit....i can be rude at times.
Cant blame isnt easy and on top of that you get ppl like BB and the project managers and every other person coming into your space and demanding statuses like every freaking minute!
Ppl just snap you know.....and with MY history of anger management problems....
Anyways, from now on, its just gonna be Mute Me when it comes to dealing with BB and her stupid sidekick.
I am truly grateful however, that my boss is on my side.
She stood up for me.
One more pro of working here.
As for the whole BB finding me rude? 5 more con's....
She just better not suggest i go for soft skills training....arrrrggghhhhhhh