Them fools never learn....
MAN UNITED 1 Liverpool 0Come on over to our grounds and we'll give u a proper thrashing :)I love winning....thanks to the champs, im getting free meals...yummy!
2 more days to go, and im on leave til new years...sweeeeetttt
Dept's Christmas dinner is on tomorrow night...we're going to the Hilton baby...
dress code: dark and bling bling...
dont serious...
im not going in bling bling....i dont mind being cuffed by the fashion police :p
O where for art thou Christmas spirit?
grandma is out of the hosp and resting at home...pheww..
we shall all be heading back to ipoh next week....
so far i've only managed to get 1/4 of my shopping list done...ALONE!!!
geez...i remember when the buildup to christmas meant lots of shopping time with my mom, sis...with my roomies...lugging around huge bags of hard-earned money spent in the blink of an eye in just a few hours ;)
looking back at the year...i cant remember any major "achievements"....heck i cant even remember what i did last week!
i do, however, admit that i have become a workaholic...yup...i remember taking a vow of NEVER TO WORK PAST 6PM....hah! stupido.....
this weekend is gonna be the ULTIMATE clash of reds and blues...
arsenal vs chelseaall bets on table!
Counting down to Christmas
Dont cha feel like the past 12 months have gone missing???
but la-di-da....its dec...which means...SHOPPING!!!!!
ok...quick recap...
i've been busy busy busy....yuppity...god knows WHY im working so hard....
cuz T's wedding was a blast...
another cuz's wedding dinner was on last night...which was a reunion with the chinese side of the family....
grandma's in hosp...poor thing...she's got an infection in her stomach...i hope she pulls through fine...
couple of weeks poor baby car got hit by a first ever "accident"...damn bugger...he was to "macha" looking for me to even ask him to pay for it...he just got up and drove his bike off..
he knocked into the side of my car and broke of my side mirror :(
total damage: 300 bucks...
i've spent a great big 600 bucks on my car last month....leaving me very very poor :((((
rumour has it that a new big boss is coming to guessing a new org chart to replace the new org chart that isnt even out yet!!!!
is anyone out there hiring? call me ;)