September 19, 2007

I am Pirate

Its weird that almost every song I hear on the radio these days…makes me go “ooo…I love this song…”….
There’s just so many great songs out there…which brings me to my new project…compiling the greatest songs of all time…
It would be impossible to come up with just ONE list…so I’m gonna do it according to genre…genre’s that I like to listen to of course…nothing with noise (anything that’s called “heavy”, “grind”, “metal”)

Any ideas to help me get started would be great…
My playlist is all jumbled up right now…its gonna take me a while to sort em out…


It sucks when u get ur leave cancelled…i've gotta work on my b-day…WTF!!!
Pre warning…ur tv channels are changing…and u’re gonna start getting charged,more or less, I cant say :o)

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