February 21, 2007

Back from CNY


It really sucks to be back at work after such a nice long weekend….now why didn’t I take the entire week off!!!
CNY was, like always, a food fest. This time, it was even more, since the cousin-twins celebrated their 18th birthday on Sunday.
However, which holiday is complete without some sort of drama, right?
Monday morning, I woke up, to help mom with some light house cleaning before the relatives arrived for their annual CNY visit. I see Pepper has learnt how to reach up to the sink/counter at the back of the house. I scream at her, and she leaves. Suddenly I catch her nibbling on a very familiar piece of chewed up box. One squint and I scream!!! It’s rat poison!!! She doesn’t know why I’m screaming and thinks I’m playing with her. I somehow manage to grab her and throw the box away. She doesn’t have any symptoms, although I’m not sure what exactly those symptoms are. Parents look very worried and we try calling the vet. Fortunately he answers. We had to give her 10 egg-whites, force it down if she doesn’t eat it. She eats anything, so that was pretty successful. Then she was rushed to the vet. She got 3 jabs, and medication that we’re suppose to give her everyday. If she poops blood, we’re doomed. Luckily, she is ok now. She doesn’t fuss to take her medication, although she hates drinking this purple-vitamin drink. It must taste yucky, can’t blame her.

February 16, 2007

Wishing you...

Gong Xi Fa Cai!

Welcome to the pandi year!!
A big OINK OINK to all my pandi friends out there!!

February 09, 2007

I coo-ked

Not exactly my first time to cook, but the first time cooking at the new place!
It wasn’t a disaster after all! Just gotta get used to the non-seasoned wok and utensils.

Just when I get the “semangat” to send out my cv and actively start job hunting, I get called up to the HOD’s room and am told that I will be involved with the testing of an upcoming project and the delivery team will be presenting the deliverables today!

I’ve also been asked by a few kawan’s whether there will be another CNY gathering this year. Something to think about…..

I set up Vas on V day by writing in to fly fm..NOT to get her a date – it might be any weird joe on the street and that’s scary, but for a spa! Sweet huh? Lets see if they actually call us up…

February 02, 2007

Team Msia wins the Amazing Race Asia

Congratulations to team Malaysia, Zab & Jo Jer!!
U guys were my favs from day one of the show!!

The new CIO has been appointed. I predict very VERY dark days ahead.
So I shall be, planning to, leave in may (after my BK hols) :D

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