September 14, 2006

Public Affair

Oh come on….you know you like the song!
I’ve never been on roller skates…or even ice skates…
Once I did try roller blades…in my cousin’s room…and let me tell ya…I’m damn bloody skillful ok? I can roller blade backwards…without even having to move a muscle…and then land gracefully on my bum :D

It’s raining outside…and I’ve got no work…I need a bed!
The only interesting thing marked on my calendar is my dept’s teambuilding this Saturday. I volunteered to be in the committee since…well..i’m practically jobless here…
And so I get to go shopping for the lucky draw prizes these few days…and I get to stay at the fancy hotel for a one-night-complimentary stay
Theres cricket going on nearby....i guess malaysians arent really into cricket...but i tell ya..its a religion for the indias...and the players are quite good looking la...i might get dragged to go watch a game...seems like such a complicated game...but just very VERY boring to watch...
warning: dont tell any indias that its boring....


At 2:05 PM, Blogger CapArnabBrand said...

i just came back from team-building at pangkor... they took us out fishing in open sea... fulamak.. damn syiok.


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